Friday, October 9, 2009

(Sorry, I don't know what to put here).

Something different today,
I'm feeling good.
I got an award and a prize for my design piece today :)

Sophie, I think your congrats got me the prize!
Thank you :)
Oh btw, I want to comment on your blog,
but except I've already commented on them all

I'm kinda still lacking inspiration again
So these pictures will have to do for today:

Alexander Wang braids are so damn pretty.

Don't you just love CHANEL bags? :)
And don't you wish you had enough money to BUY it? D:

Hm, tomorrow I have to go and take a photo for my new job..
Argh, I hope the photo turns out to be good!

Anyway, I'm going to go and watch The Vampire Diaries.
So goodbye!



  1. Chanel bags are amazing! and I love all the photo's here! xo

  2. Very inspiring photos! Chanel bags are so beautiful!
    Thanks for the sweet comment! Have a lovely weekend!!

  3. yea! i wish my hair was long enough to do those a-wang braids! loving those pictures

    congrats on your award/prize for your design piece!

    oh and good luck with the photos!

  4. Ooh! thank you so much for that! I'll put you in my linklist to, I love your blog! xo

  5. Oh my goodness how did I miss this post?! I thought I was a follower..hmm better fix that now! Congratulations on winning the award thats so good! Oh and thanks so much for mentioning me :) haha. And I love that chanel bag. xo


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